Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Hard Games: check out the lyrics with chords and sing it to your beloved!

Yesterday, a French schoolgirl asked me for the scores of Hard Games in order to play it at her high school music examination (Good luck for your exam H.P.!). I thought it would have been nice to make them available to everyone.

Like Tim Baker says: “If songs like Hard Games do not drive your lady to smack you on the chops and then give you one of them kisses that smears her lipstick all over your face like a David Bowie album cover than you are doing something wrong.
So, go ahead and try it yourself!

Hard Games – Chords and lyrics

G Gmaj7 G6 Gmaj7 G D C
G Gmaj7 G6 Gmaj7 G D C

D                                         C                 Emin       
I can't do anything for you
D                                         C                 Emin
Ain't got no answer for the things you do
D                                         C                 Emin
I just wanna see you playing hard games
D                                         C                 Emin
I just wanna see you playing hard games for me

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Tomorrow don't miss "Pop Down The Rabbit Hole" on Riserva Indie (radio)

Don't miss Riserva Indie, every monday at 21:00 live from Radio Popolare Network, streaming on Contatto Radio

Domani non perderti Riserva Indie, sulle frequenze di  Radio Popolare Network (89,75 per Massa-Carrara e Versilia e 89,50 per La Spezia e dintorni) e in streaming su Contatto Radio. Qualche canzone da "Pop Down" e tanta altra bellissima musica indipendente.

Friday, 4 May 2012

My "artist page" and a beatiful bio on Indie Guild!

(illustration by Gigi Gray)
By day a finance manager, by night a composer-singer-musician-producer, Alberto Arcangeli has been making his presence felt on the independent music scene for almost a decade with a very personal music style that seamlessly blends folk-rock, country and pop with a delightful splash of seventies psychedelia.

Born in Urbino, a renaissance town in central Italy, and raised on a sagacious mixture of classical music and the Beatles, Alberto started composing and recording his own music at a very young age, and although he enjoys playing with other musicians, when it comes to his own compositions, he prefers to go it alone, playing all the instruments himself and retaining total control over the finished product.

The turning-point came a few years ago when Alberto came to the perhaps inevitable conclusion that the music he was making didn’t seem to be working the way that he wanted with Italian lyrics. Thus came the changeover to English lyrics. Since then he hasn’t looked back, producing two splendid new albums, “Dreamsongs” (2009) and “Pop Down the Rabbit Hole” (2011) and providing the music and the inspiration for the award-winning short animated film “Wheels and Love” by the Italian artist Massimo Ottoni.

Special thanks to Tony Lawson.