Monday, 29 August 2011

Buy "Pop Down The Rabbit Hole" for only 2$

From today you can buy the new album, "Pop Down The Rabbit Hole", for only 2$ (1.5€)! Practically, you only pay for the shipping costs and get the CD with his brand new beautiful sleeve.

Click here to buy my CD with Credit Card.

Click here to buy my CD with Paypal.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Pop Down The Rabbit Hole on Gimme Indie (scandinavian) Playlist!

Pop Down The Rabbit Hole on Gimme Indie (scandinavian) Playlist, check it out:


Review (en francais) of Pop Down The Rabbit Hole on

Selection of the month and review for Pop Down The Rabbit Hole on By Benjamin.

"Simple, pop, raffiné, Pop Down The Rabbit Hole allie efficacité beatlesienne et errance americana / folk ; mélange arpèges gracieux, picking country et glockenspiel, le tout soutenu par une voix merveilleusement juste"

Read the article on

Review of Pop Down The Rabbit Hole on SENTIREASCOLTARE by Stefano Solventi

"Il talentaccio pop che non ti aspetti. L'album d'esordio - più o meno - di Alberto Arcangeli."

Read the review on SENTIREASCOLTARE

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Wheels and Love selected for the 2011 Independents' Film Festival (IFF)

Too many news to post these days! The video of Wheels and Love, directed by Massimo Ottoni, has been chosen as an Official Selection of the Tampa Bay Art & Education Network's 2011 Independents' Film Festival (IFF).

An annual event since 1993, the IFF is one of the longest running established film festivals in Florida, its success built upon dedication to the audience and the filmmaker.

Pop music to the nth degree - A beautiful review (in italian) on Bandblog

Read the review on Bandblog by Alessandro Ribaldi.

Music Pop all'ennesima potenza - Nuova (e bellissima) recensione su Bandblog, a cura di Alessandro Ribaldi.
"Ascoltatelo e capirete anche voi la differenza tra il bello opinabile e quello oggettivo." Continua su Bandblog...

Monday, 1 August 2011